Terms of use

General terms of contract

entire media, Andreas Hahn, Sophienberg 1, D-95028 Hof offers a platform for users on the Internet for exchange and contact in the interpersonal area. You become a user by registering. The top priority on the platform is respect for each other and for the realities and ideas of all users. The aim is to preserve the honour and dignity of others. It is expressly declared that this also includes compliance with all legal regulations - in particular the protection of minors.

The following General Terms and Conditions of Contract apply to any use of our offer.

General information

We offer our users the opportunity to view data and information posted on our portal and to post such data and information themselves. This information and data can generally be uploaded by all users (within the scope of their tariff selection). The exchange also takes place in particular via and in forums on our platform.

Our users commit themselves to the above-mentioned principles of interaction. This includes the absolute absence of discriminatory statements, in particular those based on sexual orientation, gender, origin or other personal characteristics, and those that offend common decency.

Strict compliance with all our and legal regulations (in particular youth protection law, criminal law, copyright law) is expressly emphasised. Even a reasonable suspicion of an offence against our or legal regulations entitles us to block the user and his/her content (in whole or in part). The suspicion is justified if more than one user or an authority / supervisory body raises it. We assert the same rights for ourselves if a user does not develop any activities under his registered account for more than three months. There is no entitlement to reinstatement under any circumstances. A block can be accompanied by the deletion of all content that the user has posted or entered on our platform. In this case, the user has no claim to storage. The obligation to comply with the rules is accepted when registering by clicking on the button ‘I have read the General Terms and Conditions of Contract and agree to their inclusion’.

In the event of blocking or similar measures, payments made by the user will not be refunded - not even proportionately.

Changes to or deviations from the General Terms and Conditions of Contract due to reservations on the part of the user (e.g. due to the user's own terms and conditions) shall not become part of the contract.

We have the right to adapt or amend the contractual terms and conditions at any time if we deem this necessary or even useful. If a user does not object to the validity of the new contractual conditions within one month of the amendment, the amended contractual conditions shall be deemed to have been accepted.

Our services

We provide registered users with access to our portal via the Internet. Depending on the tariff selected, they can make use of free or chargeable services. The services are described under General Information. We reserve the right to redefine the scope and type of services at any time, whereby in the case of chargeable content the user has the right to terminate his contract for cause if services which were previously available to him for a fee and which can no longer be used after a relaunch by us. There is no entitlement to specific content. Only access is granted. Content is provided by users.

Registration for the portal is free of charge. If no chargeable tariff is selected, the user is granted access to the standard pages of the platform. Anyone wishing to make use of paid services in the premium area will be clearly informed of the cost obligation before selecting the corresponding tariff, stating the costs incurred.

Our offer is aimed exclusively at natural persons of legal age and legal capacity who are not under guardianship and who are not engaged in any commercial activity on the platform. Persons who wish to pursue a commercial activity on our platform should contact us at info@gayamo.re. Persons who do not fulfil these requirements will not be granted access. Anyone who nevertheless obtains access is liable to prosecution and we will respond by filing a criminal complaint.

We do not check the content written or uploaded by users without cause. We do not determine whether this content is true, does not violate any laws or contravenes our own regulations. However, we reserve the right to install a system whereby any new content is checked in advance by a certain number of other users who have been with us for a certain period of time before it is made available to other users.

If there are justified doubts about the identity of a user, we can take appropriate measures to verify their identity. The doubts are justified under the same conditions as for a well-founded suspicion. Until the doubt has been ruled out, we have the same rights as in the case of reasonable suspicion.

Users are not entitled to use our services at any time.

If messages are exchanged between users via our platform, we do not monitor them or their content. However, we will fulfil any legal or judicial obligations to the contrary.

Conclusion of contract

The prerequisite for using our platform is free registration as a user. This involves collecting data from the user (including an e-mail address). When registering, the user must choose a user name and password of their choice. Once registration has been successfully completed, the user becomes our contractual partner if we confirm the registration positively. There is no entitlement to confirmation. Upon successful registration, the conclusion of the contract is confirmed and an account is created for the user. We only allow one account per person.

Exemption and exercise of rights

Insofar as this is legally possible, users shall indemnify us, our affiliated companies and our employees, representatives and vicarious agents as well as those of the employees, representatives and vicarious agents of our affiliated companies against all alleged claims asserted by third parties against us, our affiliated companies and our employees, representatives and vicarious agents as well as those of the employees, representatives and vicarious agents of our affiliated companies due to the infringement of their rights by the content posted by the user on our portal or due to the other use of our services by the user. Costs for legal representation in defence of such claims shall be reimbursed by the user by way of directly enforceable assumption of debt on first demand.

Assertion of rights to content

If the user has rights to content that he places on our platform, he grants us the right to use this content free of charge and without any restrictions in terms of space, time or content. This includes the right for us to modify the content (e.g. resize, compress, etc.)

Excluded content and uses

Illegal content or content that is incompatible with our rules is excluded from our platform or can be blocked by us. The same applies to any commercial use of content posted on our platform in connection with the use of our platform. References or references to competitors who offer the same or similar services as ours are prohibited on our platform. The use of third-party content on our platform by users is subject to the general statutory regulations.

Our obligations

We undertake to offer our services using technical equipment that corresponds to the current state of the art. We endeavour to ensure that our platform is available at all times. However, we cannot guarantee continuous availability. There are too many influences, above all external influences beyond our control (line faults etc.) but also internal requirements (e.g. maintenance work) that do not allow this. We therefore cannot guarantee uninterrupted accessibility and retrievability of content on our platform. This also excludes any liability - not only for non-contractual damages - unless we, our legal representatives or vicarious agents can be accused of intent or gross negligence. Liability for damage to life, body and health as well as liability under the Product Liability Act remains unaffected. In the event of a breach of material contractual obligations by us, we shall be liable for any negligence, but only up to the amount of foreseeable damage. The limitations of liability extend to the following.

The above limitations of liability also apply to our affiliated companies and our employees, representatives and vicarious agents as well as those of the employees, representatives and vicarious agents of our affiliated companies.

Applicable law, choice of law, other final provisions

German law shall apply exclusively, to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The place of performance of the services is our registered office.

Please note that we cannot completely exclude the application of foreign law when our services are used by non-German users. It is therefore the responsibility of each user to check whether the posting or downloading of content from our platform is punishable by law in their country of residence or entails other legal consequences that deviate from German law. In such cases, we are exempt from any recourse claims or are indemnified by the user.

The place of jurisdiction for all claims arising from and due to the use of our services is the location of our company, insofar as this can be determined by law.